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Writer: Charlyn ThomassonCharlyn Thomasson

Updated: Nov 21, 2023

The Generous Closet gives to others, gives a message, and gives to you.  A generous closet starts within our hearts.  A generous heart realizes she has plenty to share with others. This woman gives freely from her closet.  This woman takes time to learn from God’s Word and the skills of others. She does this so she can move confidently into action.  The inner image of this closet owner is growing in finding her security in God, her personal designer.  Her closet is filled with purpose because each item in it is a good representation of her personal message and influence.

A woman can have a cluster of seven basic pieces of clothing and represent her God-given message well.  Generally, I suggest a wardrobe of twenty seven pieces.  Every item should fit your body type, your personal coloring, your personal style, and your lifestyle.  Every item should be suitable for your personal message.  The process of connecting your message and closet is well worth your time.  Getting dressed will always be easier. 

Purchasing trends and styles that suit you will save you money and time.  Your clothes will represent who you really are on the inside. Your personal presentation will be a true representation of your inner message.  You will love visiting your clean well organized closet! When you have gotten to this step in the process, your closet is giving back to you. However, you may not totally notice because you now have more time to share your God-given message.  You will simply know you are blessed.

I love helping women turn their closets into a Generous Closet. Please feel free to ask questions here or contact me through my website.

The Generous Closet can be yours.

Random Tips

  1. Modesty is important regardless what fashion dictates.

  2. Classic pieces of clothing can be kept for several years. However, if kept too long these items can make a woman look frumpy. It’s good to do a reality check on these items from time to time.

  3. Check yourself in a full length mirror. If you are wearing a skirt or dress sit down in front of your mirror.  Lean over to see if others can see down your top. See what others see. They do not need to see down your top or up your skirt.

  4. Be a model. Model the true worth of a woman to your successors.

  5. An outfit should add balance to your body type.

  6. A good piece of clothing that suits you is worth having altered.

  7. Have FUN being the woman God created you to be dear lady!

She works with eager hands…she is dressed in fine linen and purple…Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her the reward she has earned, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.  Proverbs 31

1 Comment

WillAmanda Castleberry
WillAmanda Castleberry
Nov 16, 2018

Great tips!


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