I am so glad you have landed on my site! My passion is to serve women as a Certified Christian Image Consultant and Coach. I want you to understand you are God's beautiful creation with a brilliant purpose and plan.
My mission is to renew and refresh your current image and outlook in life. Together we will determine the best way to present who you are to others. It's about becoming the TRUE YOU, the best you. Feeling great both inside and out.
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Client Testimonials
My time with Charlyn was interesting and enlightening as she went through the process of deciding on the best colors for me to wear. I am more confident in what I choose to wear. Discovering my Color Code was a fun and enjoyable experience!

I am so excited to take what I learned from my meeting with Charlyn and apply it to my wardrobe. I love that I have my color swatches to help me from here forward. Now I know what neutrals to go with, and was pleasantly surprised by the "pop" colors that can work for me! She taught me how to dress for my body type and even helped me with accessorizing. I'm thankful for our time together and feel much more comfortable putting outfits together on my own.

Charlyn is a gracious woman of God. She has taught me what colors are best for me and what to avoid. And she has always encouraged me when giving me advice in embracing how God has made me and offering the best of myself to Him and others.